The Organized Chaos That Is Code

27 Apr 2019

In software engineering, there are many, many, MANY ways to approach a problem. However, some approaches work better for some problems but not as well for others. These techniques can be sorted into categories of design patterns, conceptual outlines used to plan the development of programs. A group of four prolific computer scientists called the Gang of Four documented the advantages of using design patterns when writing code in their book, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. In it they describe, three main categories of design patterns.


Creational patterns are based on the instantiation of objects by creating a blueprint for future objects to be based on. One of the Creational Design Patterns is the Abstract Factory method, where an abstract class can be used for its children to derive their data types from but the class itself is not initialized. For example, say you wanted to model Pokemon as objects. Instead of creating a new Pokemon object every time, declaring its values, and generally wasting time, it would be in your best interest to create an abstract Pokemon object, which can be used to create instantiable Pokemon subclasses. This subclasses would use the Pokemon constructor but when they are instantiated, the syntax is shorter and saves time for future use.


Structural patterns focus on creating individual components and putting them together to form a new and more robust system. One of the Structural Design Patterns is the Composite method, where a program’s individual parts are modeled with subcomponents, which can also be modeled by other subcomponents, all the way down to their basic structures. Let’s say that you’re creating a website to manage clubs at a university to allow students to search and favorite specific clubs. There are many pieces to this website but the layout can be easily put together using the Composition method. Creating the homepage, creating the search page, establishing a database for all the clubs, allow the user to sign in/out, allow new users to join up, the list can go on but it’s made much more organized using this method. The last step will to simply put all the pieces together and makes maintenance easier as individual pages can be modified without disrupting the entire system.


Behavioral patterns’ main concern is how classes communicate and interact with each other. One of the Behavioral Design Patterns is the Iterator method, where a class exposes information in a list/array without exposing its entire structure. As an example, at the time of writing this, I am working on modifying an API for a hybrid reality environment where the input and location information of the controllers and head tracker must be accessible by the user when they create their own applications. Information held in the input class can be accessed by public methods but not all the raw information is available to the developer. This is for simplicity’s sake and to ensure that the developer can only do as much as we intend them to.

In conclusion…

Design patterns help us to create programs with formalized outlines and allow other developers to easily comprehend what you are creating. Don’t believe me? All three of the examples listed above are from projects that I contributed to but I didn’t have names for those approaches. They work and if you’re a developer, you’re probably using these methods as well. You may just not it either.