This site was made using Semantic UI, React, Meteor, and MongoDB. The purpose of the site is to allow anyone to search for registered independent organizations (RIOs) in the University of Hawaii system. The organizations can be viewed on the official UH Manoa Approved RIOs list. Anyone can sort the organizations by the 12 types defined in the list and logged in users can favorite clubs and view them in a separate tab. Organizers can edit clubs they’ve created and admins can add/edit all clubs. Any logged in user can submit a problem report, which is sent to the admins.
I worked on the search and favorite functionality of this project. During these pages’ development, I further gained knowledge of how to successfully develop a user interface and how to data communicates between different pages and databases. This was also my first experience working on a group programming project. By working as a team, I learned to further develop my communication skills between my peers, how to divide a project into multiple responsibilities, and how to develop using issue driven project management. I feel that be working on this project, I better understand my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to software engineering and how to use my abilities most efficiently.
Click here to view the MyUH Club Homepage. The homepage contains a video walkthrough of our site, milestones of our development process, and user feedback for future updates.
Click here to view the MyUH Club site.